In his first major sit down interview as Opposition Leader along with new deputy Ms Mettam, Mr Zempilas told The West Australian he had spoken to MPs about the need to work as a team.
Dylan Caporn
Daniel Newell and Adrian Rauso
Mineral Resources has hit another financial pothole by pulling all iron ore trucks off its trouble-plagued $2.6 billion Onslow haul road after notching half a dozen rollovers on the crucial transport link.
Roger Cook has unveiled his new Cabinet, with a newcomer given responsibility for the State’s struggling health system, as Amber-Jade Sanderson was given her wish to move into an economic-focused portfolio.
Dylan Caporn and Jessica Page
Police have confirmed a 17-year-old male and a 16-year-old male died at the scene of a collision along North West Coastal Highway, near Cleaverville Road on Sunday morning
Madelin Hayes
The City of Karratha has updated its stallholders and street trading policy with the aim of striking a balance between fixed businesses and food vans.
Pilbara and Kimberley artists who have previously participated in the Radius Mentoring Program were celebrated at the opening of Radius Reunion.
Three Pilbara locals have been recognised at the 2025 WA Rural Health Excellence Awards for their dedication to servicing the local community.
Cain Andrews
Karratha’s Youth Week is gearing up to be a vibrant celebration full of exciting free events designed to inspire young people to connect with their community, each other and themselves.
One person has already died from the virus in WA this year.
Former City of Karratha mayor Peter Long has been presented with the Honorary Freeman award in recognition for his hard work and significant contributions to the community.
Pilbara Labor incumbent Kevin Michel has retained his seat in the Pilbara, getting the edge over Liberal candidate Amanda Kailis.
The spotlight was on Karratha’s cultural diversity during Harmony Week with a host of celebratory events across town.
One of Australia’s best builders - Perth-based Ultimo - has gone under, blaming fallout from the pandemic era for its demise.
Kim Macdonald
A young man who fatally stabbed a teen in a fake drug deal that went horribly wrong didn’t realise a mutual friend had set him up in a plot to steal his car.
Rebecca Le May
A group of bikies who allegedly attacked rivals with pool cues, billiard balls and bar stools at a tavern south of Perth are set for one of the biggest trials the State has ever seen, a court has been told.
The brave survivor of a horrific sex attack at a Perth park more than 30 years ago has courageously faced his rapist in court telling him that he does not forgive him.
Emily Moulton
For Basil Zempilas, Tuesday’s Liberal party room meeting was the culmination of years of intrigue, rumours, speculation and ambition.
Ben Roberts-Smith is considering a legal bid after recordings revealed Nick McKenzie claimed he had acted ‘unethically’ and had been briefed with some of the soldier’s legal strategy during his defamation case.
Nick McKenzie was caught on tape claiming he had engaged in unethical behaviour by obtaining information about Ben Roberts-Smith during the Afghanistan veteran’s defamation case.
A yellow panel van previously disregarded as being linked to the suspected murder of Collie schoolgirl Lisa Mott has re-emerged as a central clue in the 44-year-old mystery.
A crackdown on illegal fishing in sensitive habitat areas is getting results, helping ensure stocks of green mud crabs remain secure.
Josephine Hingst
Australia’s oldest bird observatory is raising funds for a heritage and history restoration project on their building which is more than a century old.
Jessica Antoniou
A 15-year-old Kalgoorlie-Boulder boy has admitted to a terrifying spate of offending that saw him steal two cars with young children inside.
Tegan Guthrie
Food delivery service Uber Eats has been “encouraged” by the initial response from drivers signing up since its official launch in Kalgoorlie-Boulder this month.
Leaders in the Mid West believe having a dedicated minister for the region will be beneficial, but more clarity on the role should be considered
The US Federal Reserve in a closely watched decision Wednesday held the line on benchmark interest rates though still indicated that reductions are likely later in the year.
Jeff Cox
China announced a “Special Action Plan to Boost Consumption” on Sunday in a bid to prop up domestic consumption in the world’s second largest economy.
Lim Hui Jie
WATCH THE FULL INTERVIEW: The British F1 star opened up on his relationship with his Aussie teammate as the pair get ready to do battle in Melbourne this weekend.
Ben McClellan
A three-week market sell-off has intensified, with investors worried tariff policy uncertainty would tip the economy into a recession, something President Donald Trump has not rule out.
Lisa Kailai Han, Jesse Pound
Residents have launched a petition for Aussie councils to reconsider a new bin system some have slammed as “the dumbest cost-saving measure”.
Alexandra Feiam
A tropical low forming off the coast of WA could turn into a tropical cyclone over the weekend.
Taylor Renouf
A desperate rescue operation for two people who fell in crocodile-infested waters in the Kimberley nearly two days ago has become increasingly difficult after a downpour.
Two people working in the building managed to escape the fire overnight.
Millions of residents have been warned of a wave of severe storms and lashings of rain, as hot air generates pseudo-monsoon conditions.
Video is being circulated of a member of the public removing their shirt and preparing to fight the principal.
Rachel Fenner