
Home and Away RECAP: Justin’s clammy body isn’t sent to rehab but kicking him out will do

Stephanie McKennaThe West Australian
Tempting Nik with the high life.
Camera IconTempting Nik with the high life. Credit: Channel 7

If you thought a body washing up in the bay was grim, the scriptwriters go one better kicking Justin out of his own house.

Justin’s usual repertoire of monosyllabic grunting is well and truly over and he thinks he can aggressively talk his way out his drug addiction (that he still denies).

Surprisingly, the mumbling was less annoying.

Anyway, apart from a close circle of Justin’s loved ones who know about his addiction, it’s actually being kept reasonably quiet, citing “pressure” for Justin’s change of character.

Despite everyone’s best efforts to “help”, no one has stepped in to ship him off to rehab where he belongs.

But good news because Tori is back from her brief hiatus, albeit in white to really rub that she was practically jilted at the altar because Christian aka Budget McDreamy (MD) is too preoccupied with Rachel, the woman from the skydiving accident, who is making a miraculous recovery despite her neck only just remaining attached to the rest of her spine.

BM putting on the charm.
Camera IconBM putting on the charm. Credit: Channel 7

I don’t mean to get down on Tori. but for a doctor of her calibre not to mention balancing that between running the ED and being a single mum, she’s taking her time whipping Justin into shape.

Leah is walking on eggshells, afraid that Justin could turn violent at any moment. And who could blame her after Justin has another go at Stephen Something because he thinks Stephen Something is trying to crack onto Leah.

Does Stephen something have tomato sauce on his lip?

Why didn’t anyone tell him about the sauce?
Camera IconWhy didn’t anyone tell him about the sauce? Credit: Channel 7

“I can’t live like this anymore, Irene I can’t do it,” Leah cries.

Tori, Leah, Justin and baby Gracie, who was played by two different actors and while I completely get that they have to use different actors, tonight really stuck out at me probably because it’s a rare sighting of her not covered up in the pram, sit down for one of those horrible family dinners.

Tori and Leah pour themselves a big glass of wine while they discuss what to do with Justin because “there’s no guarantee that’s he’s going to get clean”.

Sadly I don’t think it’s the end of their relationship.
Camera IconSadly I don’t think it’s the end of their relationship. Credit: Channel 7

It’s not rehab but the next best thing.

Leah offers to move out but Tori comes up with an even better plan.

“You’re the one that should move out Justin,” Tori says.

“You can’t kick me out of my own house,” Justin mumbles.

“Watch me,” Tori replies.

And like that he packs his bags and is presumably staying in the motel which is experiencing a boom in business between Mac, Sienna and Emmett’s bookings.

Speaking of Mac, she appears to be back to her normal self even though she tried to get her brother arrested just moments before.

Not getting arrested.
Camera IconNot getting arrested. Credit: Channel 7

After a lot of talking between Zig and Dean and Zig and Mac, the siblings are on amicable terms again.

“I just need time by myself and staying at the hotel will give me that,” Mac tells Dean.

Which is exactly what Mac has been saying for days but nearly getting arrested and a stern talking to from your ex can really change Dean’s opinion.

In other news, Bella’s photography exhibition is going ahead at Salt.

All hands are on deck. Well mostly Ryder’s because Chloe is busy thinking of worst case scenarios as to why Mia and Air are acting weird, but “everything is good. The baby is strong”, and Nikau is being held back at some bougie photoshoot in Sydney by Sienna.

Sienna is still hanging the working in Japan for lots of money carrot in front of Nik so he remains cooperative. And she also has Allegra on board to feed Nik lies so he’s late to the exhibition.

The day of the exhibition.
Camera IconThe day of the exhibition. Credit: Channel 7

Then out of nowhere Kieran shows up (not at the exhibition but the Stewart house).

He’s backkkkkk.
Camera IconHe’s backkkkkk. Credit: Channel 7

If you’ve forgotten who he is that’s ok. He’s Martha’s long lost son, now recovering alcoholic and the man who contributed to Martha’s insanity.

He claims to be committed to getting better.

“I’m 12 weeks sober Roo,” Kieran says.

Roo is pretty hesitant to believe him but the good news is he’s ditched that old jacket he was wearing.

He has a letter for Martha and let’s Roo decide if Martha should see it.

Finally news on the body.

“It is the woman you knew as Susie McAlister,” Cash confirms.

John braces himself on a table upon hearing it was blunt force trauma to the skull.

Might be headed for another stroke.
Camera IconMight be headed for another stroke. Credit: Channel 7/Channel 7.

Irene didn’t express the same demeanour during the questioning and is “officially a suspect”.

Showing the hot cop who is boss in this town.
Camera IconShowing the hot cop who is boss in this town. Credit: Channel 7

Cash explains she has a motive, being chloroformed by Susie, and has past kerfuffles with the law involving a Tommy and defending Bella.

“I’m the flippin’ victim here,” Irene asserts.

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