Camping, caravan trip numbers up

Pilbara News
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New data from Tourism Research Australia has revealed Australia’s caravan and camping visitor economy is going from strength to strength, reaching record numbers for the year ending March.

The latest figures have revealed national overnight domestic caravan and camping trips have recorded a 3.5 per cent increase from March, 2017.

Total nights spent caravanning and camping reached a record 51.3 million for the year ending March, 2018.

Caravan and camping trips also proved popular with a wide age demographic, with the most prominent age groups being the 30-54 market and the 55+ market.

The 20-29 age group saw significant growth, increasing by 11 per cent from the previous year to 2.1 million trips for the year ending March, 2018.

The most popular activity among caravan and camping visitors was eating out at a restaurant or cafe, which was enjoyed by more than six million travellers.

This also provided economic value to many regional areas where there were caravan parks.

The majority of visitors (77.76 per cent) took caravan and camping trips as a form of holiday, while business and visiting family and friends also motivated people to take caravan and camping trips.

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