Caravaners watch TV instead of enjoying the sun

Tom ZaunmayrPilbara News
Camera IconCaravanning in the Pilbara. Credit: Pilbara News

Creature comforts

Go and see the great outdoors without leaving your creature comforts behind. That is the sales pitch for anyone considering buying a caravan.

We were camping out at Cleaverville recently where one occupied by grey nomads was parked up in prime position right over the beach.

Do you think they were enjoying the outdoors? The beautiful, sunny, mid-30s Pilbara day? Nah, of course not. They spend almost the entire day sitting inside their caravan watching TV.

One can only wonder whether they were watching a documentary on turtles while 10m from their van a bunch of turtles were swimming around in the shallows.


That ain’t livin’ Barry.

Red Goat

Gary the Goat’s time in the Pilbara was brief. In 2014 he visited with his owner Jimbo Bazoobi on a nationwide comedy tour.

While here he struck up a relationship with the statue of Red Dog, searched for goat rock art among Murujuga’s petroglyphs and developed a keen interest in the Intercourse Islands off Dampier.

In the months following Gary’s visit, a baby goat appeared at the Mermaid, leading to wild speculation by the Pilbara News that Gary may have found a Pilbara fling during his trip.

Gary was euthanised last week after heart problems.

RIP goat, Australia will miss you.

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