
Bonnie’s looked after in the north

Cara TregonningPilbara News

Starting high school is daunting enough for any student, but for 13- year-old Bonnie Reiter-Youd, high school came with the added stress of a recently diagnosed genetic disorder.

In April last year, Bonnie was diagnosed with Mosaic Turner Syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects one in 2500 females.

Living with Mosaic Turner Syndrome means Bonnie has to have daily injections of growth hormones to combat short stature.

She also takes Attention Deficient Disorder medication to help concentrate at school, and uses hearing aids.

However, the active teenager is determined not to let Mosaic Turner Syndrome stop her from doing what she loves.

Mastering the Japanese language, outdoor camps with the Tom Price Emergency Services Cadets, and overseas travel are big on Bonnie’s agenda.

She also aims to reach out to other girls and women with the disorder, and has started her own Facebook group for women with Mosaic Turner Syndrome.

“I’ve had heaps of people join from all over the world, like America and the UK,” she said.

Bonnie’s mother Emma Reiter- Youd said the site acted as a support base for women and families living with Mosaic Turner Syndrome.

“Some people haven’t had the growth hormone, some people have, and they tell us about what they are doing,” she said.

The disorder affects fertility, and it is unlikely Bonnie will be able to have a child using her own egg.

“I know there are other options out there if I can’t,” Bonnie said.

Living in the Pilbara means Bonnie has to fly to Perth at least every six months for specialist’s appointments.

Ms Reiter-Youd said the Patient Assistance Travel Scheme had made travel a lot easier.

She also thanked local paediatrician Dr Anand Deshmukh, who diagnosed Bonnie with Mosaic Turner Syndrome.

“We noticed a difference in height after the school holidays, when she went to Year 7, all of kids had grown quite a bit, and Bonnie hadn’t,” she said.

“We got referred to the most awesome paediatrician ever and he was straight on to it.”

Bonnie’s dad Matthew Youd said the care Bonnie received in the Pilbara had been fantastic.

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