Curtin MP Kate Chaney has declared she will not be beholden to lobby groups after being targeted by a fierce ultimatum by grassroots campaign Keep the Sheep.
Caitlyn Rintoul
Kojonup farmer Steve McGuire has been named the new president of WAFarmers, taking the reins from John Hassell who has stepped down after a “wonderful” four years.
Cally Dupe
United States President Donald Trump is being urged to impose tariffs on Australia’s wheat exports, with the American industry arguing an over-reliance on imports was a risk to national security.
Ellen Ransley and Jackson Hewett
Kalyeeda Station - which has become an unlikely Instagram hit - comes with two houses, a cottage, staff quarters with 12 bedrooms, 20 bores, 39 troughs and several lakes.
Kim Macdonald
Feeding 10 billion people by 2050 won’t be easy, but growing meat and feasting on insects are some of the ways to get us there.
Simon Collins
With five years left of Earth’s ‘decisive decade’, Sam Elsom speaks about the headwinds and heartbreak of finding solutions in a world often indifferent to what he sees as the most pressing issue for us all.
Simone Grogan
Curtin MP Kate Chaney is under pressure to make her stance on the live export ban clear to WA farmers, who are threatening to wage war against her.
A decision on whether agribusiness juggernaut Elders will be allowed to buy out rival Delta Ag for $475 million has been postponed by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.
Mining billionaire Gina Rinehart says payroll tax and licence fees should be scrapped to protect small businesses and farmers, as trade tensions rise under President Donald Trump.
Farmers lobbying to save live sheep exports will take to the streets of Perth this month as the issue heats up ahead of the Federal election.
Cally Dupe and Bob Garnant
A Fremantle startup believes it can use water from Regis Resources’ gold mining pits to grow red seaweed that makes cow burps and farts less pollutive.
Adrian Rauso
Australian feedlots are turning off record numbers as China cements itself as the nation’s biggest market for grain-fed beef
PGA president Tony Seabrook confirmed that a meeting of creditors today had backed a deed of company arrangement endorsed by administrators from RSM.
Sean Smith
Australian farmers are bracing for disruption to their $1 billion-a-year boxed meat market to the US after Donald Trump flagged plans to implement tariffs on agricultural imports next month.
The company says protracted Commonwealth scrutiny threatens to delay production from its Mardie salt project, described last year by Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek as a potential ‘game changer’.
The WA property was put on the market with a ‘walk-in, walk-out’ arrangement, with the sale including its massive sheep flock which has at its peak reached nearly 80,000 head.
Australian farmers could send an additional 300,000 chilled sheep meat carcases to the Middle East each year after Qatar got the green light to buy a 25 per cent stake in Virgin Australia.
US President Donald Trump says tariffs on agricultural imports will take effect on April 2, stoking fears for Australia’s biggest beef export market and putting the beef and sheep farmers on tenterhooks.
CBH chair Simon Stead is standing behind the co-operative’s Path to 2033 strategy in the face of seesawing harvest grain receival totals varying up to 50 per cent year-on-year.
A chance to walk through a sunflower field and crack a maze is drawing travellers to the oldest working farm in the nation's capital.
Luke Costin
The 118-year-old PGA sensationally fell into administration in January amid revelations of ‘financial misconduct’.
Matt Mckenzie
WA fertiliser giant CSBP has put its superphosphate manufacturing plant into care and maintenance as demand for pasture fertiliser plummets ahead of the Federal Government’s planned live sheep export ban.
Tim Ryan has pledged to work closely with members and stakeholders in his new role as Australian Meat Industry Council’s top boss.
The conviction of Toodyay landowner Tony Maddox under the Western Australian Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 has sent shockwaves across the nation.
Shane Love
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