Roger Cook has bowed to pressure to review the start date for the $5000 home battery subsidy that was a hallmark of his State election campaign, but won’t back date payments.
Jessica Page
The Premier’s State Government overhaul is not finished, with hints he will rollback some of Mark McGowan’s first term structural departmental changes.
Dylan Caporn
Roger Cook won the election. Fair and square. He is now not just the Premier his party chose, he’s the Premier this State elected.
Speaking at the National Press Club in Canberra on Thursday, the mining magnate said the State leader had delivered an ‘outstanding’ result at Saturday’s poll.
Caitlyn Rintoul
The Prime Minister was in Perth to bask in the afterglow of Roger Cook’s election victory, five days after WA Labor won its third landslide in a row.
Jake Dietsch
A bevy of senior advisers to Roger Cook have called time on their years in Dumas House, as the Premier uses the post-election honeymoon to shake up ministerial staffing ranks.
The three vacancies in Roger Cook’s cabinet are set to be filled by former union boss Meredith Hammat, former town planner Jess Stojkovski and former union lawyer Matthew Swinbourn, according to Labor sources.
Jessica Page and Dylan Caporn
KATINA CURTIS: Roger Cook’s victory shows voters in WA are open to an offering shaped around local jobs, manufacturing, better services and stable governance in times of global uncertainty.
Katina Curtis
Roger Cook says he is ‘not taking anything for granted’, despite being at unbackable odds to win today’s state Election.
Joe Spagnolo
After putting his foot in his mouth and calling Donald Trump’s deputy JD Vance a KNOB, WA Premier Roger Cook was forced to apologise for his ‘light-hearted’ comments.
Ben O'Shea
The Premier branded US Vice-President JD Vance a ‘knob’ at The West Australian’s Leadership Matters event today — then later apologised for the remark.
Western Australia’s success has not been by chance, but came as a result of good governance, Premier Roger Cook has declared as he wrapped up his pitch for an historic third term for Labor.
WA will extend assistance to Queensland in the event of any damage caused by Tropical Cyclone Alfred, Roger Cook says, even by accepting any offer to host AFL games instead of Brisbane.
The Premier has urged the public to be wary with their votes as Labor MPs brace for a likely ‘correction” in the wake of the 2021 annihilation.
Voters don’t love him, like they loved Mr McGowan in 2021. But Mr Cook only needs them to like him, just enough.
The election launch on Sunday - understood to be in central Perth - will feature Labor luminaries including Mark McGowan, but the Prime Minister will instead be in Tasmania.
The number of inpatient beds at the Great Southern’s largest hospital will almost double if Labor is re-elected, with the Premier on Thursday promising a new $60 million modular ward.
Melissa Sheil
Premier Roger Cook says it is ‘appropriate’ for a WA teacher who praised an assassinated Hamas leader to be on leave while an Education Department review into the incident takes place.
Rhianna Mitchell
Roger Cook showed off his netball skills in Geraldton but did the WA Premier do better than Health Minister Amber Jade Sanderson?
Roger Cook is refusing to contemplate numbers or won’t countenance naming the backbenchers he knows will lose their seats at the State election - and he definitely doesn’t have any plans to stand aside soon.
Premier Roger Cook appeared in Collie last week to cut the ribbon for the Pilot Plant at the Magnium Collie Plant alongside the company’s chief executive officer Shilow Shaffier.
Sofia Fimognari
‘Disgusting’ dodgy builders have been put on notice by Premier Roger Cook, after a new investigation was launched into controversial Nicheliving director Ronnie Michel-Elhaj.
Roger Cook was forced to defend his record on health after a national report exposed that less than half of ED patients are being seen on time.
Roger Cook has accused Liberal candidate Basil Zempilas of ‘playing the victim’, over a finding by the Local Government Standards Panel that he breached the rules.
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